OWASP Zhytomyr meetup: SSDLC and product security

OWASP Zhytomyr meetup “Security on your project from scratch”: risks analysis, building SSLDC, working with the development team and checklists.
OWASP Zhytomyr meetup “Security on your project from scratch”: risks analysis, building SSLDC, working with the development team and checklists.
It comes to no surprise that any micro-services, any security controls you use to build applications – will eventually be broken (or fail).
Apple made many announcements on WWDC 2019 about cryptography, cybersecurity and privacy.
Modern apps are multi-components, and most data leaks are caused by poor architectural decisions.
The essay I wrote for De Programmatica Ipsum magazine about secure software development and the mindset gap between the world of product makers and the world of security people.