OWASP Zhytomyr meetup: SSDLC and product security

OWASP Zhytomyr meetup “Security on your project from scratch”: risks analysis, building SSLDC, working with the development team and checklists.
OWASP Zhytomyr meetup “Security on your project from scratch”: risks analysis, building SSLDC, working with the development team and checklists.
A live episode with live Q&A of iOS App Security by Vincent Pradeilles and Anastasiia Voitova.
Semi-fun semi-serious podcast episode where Jeroen Leenarts asks me questions about life, education, programming, and security.
Russian-speaking podcast about software engineering lead by engineers all over the world.
We had a lot of fun discussing the latest mobile app security topics from the eyes of people that build secure apps and help others to build secure apps: iOS14 privacy features, security.